Laboratory-quality analysis in the palm of your hand Throughout the precious metal life cycle from refining to recycling – the goal is always to ensure quality, control costs, and achieve accurate purity analysis. With the volatility and high prices of precious metals, even a small variation in composition accuracy can be expensive. Niton X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers deliver fast, reliable results – and unlike more traditional testing methods, are completely nondestructive. These analyzers provide you with the ideal method to test the purity and chemistry of all precious metals, with proven simplicity, performance, features, and portability. You also get an accurate chemical analysis of tramp and trace elements, which could impact valuation and future refining needs. Take your Niton XRF analyzer anywhere. It’s your personal field laboratory for dependable element analysis that delivers a real competitive edge.
The instrument of choice Just a few seconds – that’s all it takes to measure the exact precious metal content in jewelry, coins, and other valuable products using the Niton XL2 precious metal analyzer. You get the power of proven Niton XRF analyzers in a value packaged solution.
• Exceptionally fast, easy to use – Just point and shoot or close the lid (with test stand). See results in seconds on a touch screen color display. No need to use any harsh chemicals or acids that can burn your fingers, ruin clothing, and damage countertops.
• Fit, form, function – Engineered from the ground up, keeping ergonomics and ease-of-use in mind, Niton XL2 precious metal analyzers ship from the factory fully calibrated and ready to use upon arrival at your site. Minimal training is required and built-in system checks help ensure your instrument continues to run as well as it did the day it arrived.
• Nondestructive – Unlike destructive testing methods, such as acid and fire assay, samples remain intact and undamaged.
• Gold-plate detection – AuDITTM, a proprietary technology developed for, and only available on Thermo Scientific portable XRF analyzers, helps you meet the challenge of identifying gold-plated items…vermeil (gold-plated silver), goldplated copper, steel, tungsten, and any other non-gold substrate.
• Lab-quality performance – Niton XRF precious metal analyzers make use of advanced electronics and detectors such as silicon PIN (Si-PIN) or silicon drift detectors (SDD), which are also found in large and expensive laboratory equipment.